
How to uninstall and reinstall windows office 365
How to uninstall and reinstall windows office 365

(The following takes Excel as an example.)

  • Open the Office program, and then select at the upper-left corner ①.
  • Note: If you can’t open an Office program to check your installation type, try the more common Click-to-Run or MSI uninstallation steps first. How to confirm the installation type of my Office programs
  • The uninstallation steps of Microsoft Store app.
  • The uninstallation steps of Click-to-Run or MSI.
  • How to confirm the installation type of my Office programs.
  • Note: Uninstalling Office only removes the Office applications from your computer, it doesn’t remove any files, documents, or workbooks you created using the apps. If you are not sure which type of install you have, please refer to How to confirm the installation type of my Office programs. The other type is an Office installation from the Microsoft Store app.

    how to uninstall and reinstall windows office 365

    The most common installation types are Click-to-Run and Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI).

    how to uninstall and reinstall windows office 365

    The step to uninstall Office depend on the type of installation you have.

    How to uninstall and reinstall windows office 365